COO Commodity Trading Community

Our aim is to address market wide non-proprietary challenges within commodity trading

Armstrong Wolfe (AW) manages the International COO Community (iCOOC). This is a global corporate membership body, focused solely on supporting the worldwide COO community within Financial Services.

At the request of several investment banks, iCOOC members, With our partner, Behavox we aim to establish a COO Commodities community, bridging banking, commodity trading houses and corporates. The management of this group will be in line with established protocols and processes supporting the 50 plus iCOOC corporate members. Notedly in 2022 Armstrong Wolfe ran over 100 face to face and virtual forums, with over 800 COOs participating. Its quarterly COO magazine has a business management readership of over 5000.

Under Chatham House Rule, Armstrong Wolfe and Behavox will deliver a  2024 programme, providing quarterly forums and debates hosted by participating companies. Each event will be supported by Behavox, Armstrong Wolfe Industry Advisors and guests, being subject matter experts in the area to be debated and discussed. Armstrong Wolfe will be responsible for the management, administration and moderation of each event.

Programme Management Team

David Kane

David Kane

Expert in Energy & Resources

Fahreen Kurji

Fahreen Kurji

Chief Customer Intelligence Officer

Q1 2024: Shared Non-proprietary Challenges

Jennie Jones Shell
David Kane Baringa
Simon Legg Citibank
Fahreen Kurji Behavox

25th January 2024

Clement King
Armstrong Wolfe

  • Enabling successful change
      • Discussion on risks / challenges relating to change delivery
      • What does the cohort need from 2LoD to support change ?
      • Management of multi year projects and the annual budget cycle
  • What are great examples of new technology changes being implemented in your businesses? (E.g. digital, analytics, artificial intelligence)
  • How are firms approaching third party risk management and green washing?

Q1 2024: Regulation


14th March 2024

David Kane

  • TBC

    Corporate COO invitation list


    Trading Houses

    Big Oil